About me...
I have been in ministry for over 35 years with most of time spent in ministry to teens and young adults. I have the ability to lead groups on weekend retreats or teach seminars on "best practices" for an effective youth ministry. I speak at retreats and conferences on a variety of topics, including biblical teaching. I have also worked as a media director for a large public school district; directed an AV club, produced theatrical productions, and tutored students struggling with homework. I have been part of an after school inner city program to reach out to "at risk" teens; helping them with homework and teaching them life skills. I have traveled extensively into areas of the US that are impoverished on various mission trips; I have led some of those trips. I have spent 6 weeks in New Orleans on clean up and mission work in the months after Hurricane Katrina.
I am now the Pastor of a smaller congregation in Lancaster County.
Specialties and talents: vision casting, storytelling, public speaking and teaching, marketing, communication, accountability, honesty, discernment, teenage relationships, healthy parenting skills, networking, serving others.
My Working Genius areas are Wonder and Enablement.
good at and enjoy pondering the possibility of greater potential and opportunity in a given situation.
good at and enjoy providing others with encouragement and assistance for projects and ideas.
WORKING COMPETENCY areas are Invention and Discernment.
capable of and don’t mind creating original and novel ideas and solutions.
capable of and don’t mind using your intuition and instincts to evaluate and assess ideas or plans.