I am working through a journal a friend of mine gave me for Christmas; it’s entitled, 100 days to brave by Annie F. Downs. I’ve never thought of myself as brave nor have I thought of myself as a coward. I am using my blog to document my journey toward being brave or whatever comes out of these next 100 days. Each journal entry includes a bible verse and a question to be answered. There might be times when I share my answers to the daily questions or spend some time reflecting on the Bible verse. My prayer is that you’ll follow along on this journey with me, and find encouragement, wisdom and bravery as well.
100 days to Brave - Day 2
2 Timothy 1:8, 9 (The Message)… “We can only keep on going, after all, by the power of God, who first saved us and then called us to this holy work. We had nothing to do with it. It was all his idea, a gift prepared for us in Jesus long before we knew anything about it. But we know it now.”
Question: What’s your God story?How has God changed you and the circumstances of your life for the better?
I have been changed many times by the power of God’s Spirit moving in me and through me. I have been changed through actions of obedience which have taken me onto the mission field and into the presence of some influential godly people. I long to find a tribe of people to help me be brave, and to help me see God more clearly as He continues to write His story into my life. (That is, when I let Him get close enough…) my current God story is missing some chapters… chapters on being brave, honest, happy and open to revelation and an abiding presence from Jesus Himself.
My 2022 God story must begin with placing my will at the feet of Jesus, letting Him reshape and remold me into a new person. I could use a soul revival right about now.
What gift do you need to receive from Almighty God, who loves you with an unconditional love?
There is no moment like today to be brave!