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Writer's picturePastor Tim

You Aren’t a Mistake

100 days to Brave - Day 8... I am working through a journal a friend of mine gave me for Christmas; it’s entitled, 100 days to brave by Annie F. Downs. I am using my blog to document my journey toward being brave or whatever comes out of these next 100 days. My prayer is that you’ll follow along on this journey with me, and find encouragement, wisdom and bravery as well.

Psalm 139:14 (ESV)… “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

Question: Describe the YOU that God made. What are your best qualities? What are your talents and abilities?

I know you didn’t connect with my blog today to read about my best qualities, or what talents and abilities I think I have that I try to use on a daily basis?

I hope you will take some time to really think about this question. If you follow Jesus, you should pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the gifts you’ve been given to serve others. If you can’t listening clearly, I hope you will search the Bible for God’s descriptions of you and how much He loves you and wants to use your talents and abilities to change this world in the part of the world you call home and work. I also hope you will write down answers to this question and review your answers over and over til clarity emerges.

I want you to lean into those strengths and commit to use your talents and abilities to find the courage to be brave! God has uniquely designed you to bring about change in this world.

“God doesn’t make mistakes.” A.F Downs

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